Corneal Consult

HZO Redux

My last column left off with the patient’s vision shifting after initial oral antivirals, ocular hypertension drops and steroids. Here’s what happened after.

Don’t Chicken Out with These Pox

Recurrent or chronic herpes zoster ophthalmicus can worsen patient quality of life.

Stop, Drop and Roll with It

Keratoconus will result in corneal hydrops in about 3% of patients. Here’s how to move forward when it’s encountered.

Dystrophy Dilemma

Distinguishing between the many corneal types that exist can be a challenge.

A Stitch in Time

Learning the common corneal complications of sutures will help you manage patients when symptoms present.

Immune Issues

Dealing with graft-vs.-host disease can cause a dysfunctional ocular surface. Learn what the symptoms are and how to mitigate them.

If at First You Don't Succeed...

Learn how to deal with the stubborn condition of recurrent corneal erosions when initial treatment fails.

Don’t Be Scared by the Whirlwind

Let’s discuss when to intervene with the mostly benign condition of vortex keratopathy.

Cell Dysfunction

The effects of trabeculectomy with mitomycin C led to this diagnosis.

Attacking Acanthamoeba Keratitis

How to spot and treat this rare but serious condition and reduce risk of vision loss.