November/December 2022


Optimizing the Ocular Surface

Learn how to properly treat DED prior to surgery to get the best postoperative outcomes.

PTK: The Role it Plays Today

Many anterior corneal pathologies can respond well to this versatile procedure, potentially sparing the patient from undergoing a transplant.

Tackling Corneal Transplants in Clinical PracticeC.E.

A comprehensive understanding of these procedures is critical to ensure optimal patient care and outcomes.


Corneal Consult

Don’t Be Scared by the Whirlwind

Let’s discuss when to intervene with the mostly benign condition of vortex keratopathy.

My Perspective

Consider Serology for HSV

This test might make sense for tackling the great masquerader.

The GP Experts

The Simple Things

More often than not, the explanation and solution to a patient’s problem is a simple one.